Online Private Dance Classes

Online Private Dance Classes: Dance from Anywhere

At Free Movement Dance Studio, we believe that the joy of dance should be accessible to everyone, regardless of location. That's why we're excited to offer online private dance classes over Zoom, Google Meet, Whatsapp Video Call and other video conferencing platforms. Now you can take private dance lessons from the comfort of your home, choosing from a wide range of dance genres, with scheduling options that work with your timezone. Here's why our online private dance classes are the perfect solution for dancers around the world.

Dance from Anywhere

Our online private dance classes allow you to dance from anywhere—whether you're in your living room, a home studio, or even your backyard. This flexibility is ideal for those who can't attend in-person classes, travel frequently, or live in regions without access to specialized dance studios. With a stable internet connection and a device with a camera, you can join our classes from any location.

Personalized Instruction

Just like our in-person private classes, our online sessions offer personalized instruction tailored to your needs. You'll receive one-on-one attention from experienced instructors who guide you through each step of your dance journey. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced dancer, our instructors customize the class to help you achieve your goals.

Choose Your Dance Genre

We offer a variety of dance genres to suit your interests, from ballet and jazz to hip-hop and contemporary. With online private classes, you can explore different styles or focus on a specific genre. Here are some of the dance genres you can choose from:

  • Ballet
  • Jazz
  • Hip-Hop
  • Contemporary
  • Tap
  • Ballroom
  • Salsa
  • Flamenco
  • K-pop

If you have a specific dance genre in mind that isn't listed, let us know, and we'll do our best to accommodate your request.

Flexible Scheduling Across Timezones

Our online private classes are designed to accommodate dancers from all around the world. We offer flexible scheduling to match your timezone, making it easy to find a class time that works for you. Whether you're in Europe, Asia, North America, or beyond, we'll work with you to set up a class that fits your schedule.

How to Get Started

To book an online private dance class, contact us with your preferred dance genre and timezone. We'll work with you to find a suitable time and set up the class on your chosen platform (Zoom, Google Meet, etc.). Once your booking is confirmed, we'll send you all the details, including the class link and any preparation tips.

Join Our Global Dance Community

By offering online private dance classes, we aim to build a global dance community where everyone can share the joy of dance. We understand that dance should not be limited to a single studio in Singapore, and we're thrilled to bring our classes to you, wherever you are in the world.

If you're ready to take your dance journey online, contact us today to learn more about our online private dance classes. We're excited to help you start dancing and can't wait to see you in our virtual studio!