Hi everyone! Welcome to Free Movement Dance Solutions, today we have tiger here and my name is Sandra Faustina, I'm a dance instructor and also the founder of
Free Movement Solutions! So if you're here today and you want to master dance I've got you, So we're gonna talk about how you're going to easily learn dance choreographies, and we have a few tips and tricks up our sleeves. So let's go talk about the tips and tricks that we have to easily learn dance choreographies whether it's online or physical dance classes so the first thing we're going to talk about is.
To listen to the music why I say that is because a lot of times you're just dancing to the music without actually understanding the music, so what I mean by that is sometimes you forget about the counts, sometimes you forget about the feeling so you've got to first and foremost understand the music. So listen to the music try to count the music is it counts of four counts of eight council seven or counts of four and a half I don't know depends on the music that you have. So go and listen to the music one two three four five six seven eight and a two two three four five six seven eight. Most music counts are in counts of eight so go and listen to the music so you know exactly where to do the counts for your dance moves of course when it comes to music you need to also understand how to ride with the music, dance with the music in Vibe with the music so you actually know the whole feeling of the dance well the different genres of dance right If you're talking about Street dance a lot of the time you know you need to know how to Vibe, but if you're talking about ballet you also need to be able to listen to the music so you know where to execute your movements so making sure to understand the music is something that we have to do as our own homework get the music from the instructor or ask where to get the music from YouTube it, Spotify it whether it's the online or physical class I'm pretty sure you can find the music and just listen to it and now once you're listening to the music.
The second tip that I'm gonna have for you is to close your eyes. Now why I say to close your eyes is because sometimes visually there are a lot of distractions going on around us, so when you close your eyes and listen to the music you'll realize that there are a lot of things that you haven't heard before so when you have your headphones on, your earpads on or I don't know what else you use your speakers blasting out loud just just close your eyes and internalize the music and really listen to it. You will hear different things you didn't hear before whether it's the base, whether it's the Drums, whether it's the violin I don't know what music it is that you're gonna listen to but just close your eyes, and just close your visual side of things and just listen to everything that you have in mind.
The third thing we're going to talk about would be breathing. Have you ever danced and really just felt really out of breath by the end of the dance and you're just wondering how the heck people do 10 dancers when I'm doing one dance and I'm so out of breath. Well in dance we talk about breathing techniques but I'm not gonna dwell into that right now but perhaps to do another video for that but breathing is another thing that you need to always remember, when you dance if you're holding your breath and do your of your dancers and all of your extras you're gonna really run out of here you cannot really go tired so make sure that you need to remember to breathe whether one two three breath in and let go or hold and go so remember to breathe or even ask your instructors about how to breathe. As you dance so that regulating your breathing would mean that you can really elongate how you can dance throughout the whole dance and not be super enthusiastic about the dance at the beginning but by the end of the dance you're so out of breath that you're just not performing anymore so breathing is definitely something to work on so always remember. If you're not sure you can always ask your instructor or wait for a next video coming up.
The fourth way to easily learn the choreography would be to go full out so the differences that we're going to talk about here one would be marking, second will be full out and the third would really be to perform so what I mean by marking is you know instead of really going all out to do all of the jobs and all the counting marking could mean that you're just doing it halfway through and not doing, full out with